All My Children Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on AMC in 2010

All My Children summaries from 2010
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January 4 to 8, 2010
Hayley and Mateo returned to Pine Valley in time to witness Adam and Annie renew their wedding vows. Hayley took an instant disliking to Annie. It was announced that Pine Valley won "Best Town in America." Hayley decided to tape an episode for her show about Pine Valley. Familiar faces shared their thoughts about their beloved town. Guests on Hayley's show included Palmer Cortlandt, Nina Cortlandt, Brooke English, Maria Santos, and Greg Nelson. Greenlee learned that she needed surgery to repair damage to her spine. David warned Greenlee that the surgery could be risky. Greenlee was determined to undergo the surgery. David couldn't break Greenlee's heart when she asked about her loved ones. Greenlee suspected that David wasn't being truthful. Tad and Liza shared a passionate kiss. Bailey turned to Liza for help after Damon was arrested. Bailey admitted to Tad that she regretted hurting Liza. Amanda was disappointed when Jake continued to insist that David was lying about being terminally ill. Amanda threatened to end things with Jake if Jake didn't leave David alone. David told Amanda that he had decided to go to Malaysia to seek treatment. Amanda feared that David wanted to leave town, so that he could die alone. Madison was relieved to learn that James had pleaded guilty to the charges against him. James was sentenced to one year in prison. Erica and Ryan made love. Erica believed that it was best that she kept her distance from Ryan because of the paparazzi. Ryan and Annie battled for custody of Emma in court. The judge decided that she had heard enough to render a decision.
January 11 to 15, 2010
Opal had a premonition that someone from Ryan's past was returning. The judge decided that Emma should spend alternate weeks with Ryan and Annie. Annie was thrilled to get Emma for the first week. Annie did a sexy dance for Adam that landed him in the hospital. Adam was diagnosed with arterial fibrillation, which could cause congestive heart failure. Adam agreed to have surgery to have a pacemaker implanted and urged his family to reconcile with each other. Colby was certain that Annie had intentionally caused Adam to collapse. Scott fantasized that Annie had performed her seductive dance for him instead of Adam. Greenlee suffered a setback during surgery, but her love for Ryan pulled her through. Greenlee remained conflicted about calling Ryan. Greenlee was frustrated because her recovery wasn't progressing as quickly as she had hoped. Jake pulled out all the stops to give Amanda a special night. Amanda decided to research David's disease; she was stunned to discover that it was hereditary. Amanda decided to test Trevor for the illness. Marissa and Little A were also tested for the genetic disease. The test results raised questions about Trevor's paternity. JR and Jake realized that one of them could be Trevor's father. Randi told Madison that Fusion had an entry-level position available. Erica chose Madison to be her personal assistant. Randi was livid that she had been overlooked. Liza found a new job for Damon. Romance continued to blossom between Liza and Tad.
January 18 to 22, 2010
David confessed to Greenlee that he was not Trevor's father. Greenlee urged David to tell everyone the truth. David was too late; Angie confirmed that Jake was Trevor's biological father. Jake was overjoyed when he realized that Trevor was his son. Jake punched David when David tried to apologize to Amanda. Marissa confessed that she couldn't forgive David for deceiving her. David decided that it would be best for him to leave Pine Valley for good. Greenlee insisted that she wanted David by her side when she returned home. Greenlee experienced sensation in her legs. Later, Greenlee took her first step. Greenlee dreamed of reclaiming Fusion and then kicking Erica out of the office. Madison suggested that Fusion create a line of cosmetics to raise money for charity. Erica embraced the concept wholeheartedly. Randi was stunned when Madison credited Randi for the idea. Ryan invited Erica out of town. Erica didn't think that it was a good idea to plan a romantic getaway for the weekend that marked the anniversary of Greenlee's tragic accident. Adam underwent surgery. After Adam arrived home, he contacted Barry to make changes to his will. Everyone was stunned when they read Adam's will. Adam put conditions on each inheritance. Tad and Liza made love.
January 25 to 29, 2010
Annie was furious when she learned that Adam had bequeathed the mansion, property, and a considerable fortune to her, but it would all revert back to the estate if she ever entered into a long-term relationship. Adam explained that he wanted Annie to find someone who would truly love her for who she was, not her vast fortune. Adam decided that Scott should make certain that Adam's last wishes were carried out. Annie decided to make a statement at Erica's launch party for Fusion's new non-profit cosmetics line. Randi didn't want to feel obligated to Madison, so she decided to let Erica know that the idea for the new line of products was Madison's idea. Damon became the primary suspect for a rash of burglaries around town. Colby found Damon hiding out in her room. Damon claimed that he was innocent of the crimes. Greenlee continued to dream of Ryan. Greenlee slipped out of the hospital after she overheard Dr. Clayton advise David that Greenlee needed more time to recuperate. Greenlee eventually made her way to Fusion. Reporters questioned Erica about her relationship with Ryan. Erica insisted on focusing on her new non-profit line of products. Ryan followed Erica to her office after the press conference. Ryan and Erica discussed their relationship and then sealed their commitment with a passionate kiss. At the same moment, Greenlee prepared to open the door to Erica's office.
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February 1 to 5, 2010
Erica decided to go public about her relationship with Ryan. Opal sensed that David had returned to Pine Valley. Tad called to warn Jake that David had been spotted in ConFusion's parking lot. Jake intercepted a shipment of drugs that David had been expecting. The drugs were intended for Greenlee, but David claimed that they were for Gayle. Greenlee made her way to Ryan's apartment, where she saw Ryan and Erica making love on the living room floor. Greenlee closed the door before Ryan and Erica realized that she stood in the doorway. Greenlee enlisted David's help to sabotage Fusion. David stole a flash drive, which Greenlee used to wipe out all of Fusion's computer files. Jesse questioned why David's fingerprint had been found on the incriminating flash drive. David managed to explain it away, but Jesse remained suspicious. JR's health continued to deteriorate. Colby caught JR in a lie, which forced JR to reveal that he had cancer. JR pleaded with Colby not to tell anyone about his illness. Adam found Damon hiding out in Colby's room. Damon continued to maintain his innocence about the recent rash of burglaries in Pine Valley. Colby defended Damon to Bailey. Krystal and Rob's romp in bed turned embarrassing when an accident landed them both in the hospital. Liza continued to question Tad's relationship with Krystal. Tad was adamant that nothing was going on between him and Krystal. Greenlee and David decided to get married.
February 8 to 12, 2010
Jake was tempted to give a false statement in order to frame David for the attack on Fusion. Tad, Liza, and Amanda managed to persuade Jake not to stoop to David's level. Adam guessed that JR's cancer was out of remission. Adam informed Annie and Scott of JR's dire condition after JR was rushed to the hospital. Colby videotaped Annie and Scott during a passionate kiss. Colby hoped to use the footage to expose Annie to Adam. Annie managed to destroy the damaging videotape before Colby could show it to Adam. Jackson returned from Paris to talk to Erica about Erica and Ryan's relationship. Erica feared that she and Ryan were holding each other back, so she broke things off. Erica and Ryan parted as friends. Jack was overjoyed when Greenlee revealed herself to him. Greenlee implored her father to keep quiet about her miraculous recovery. David and Greenlee proceeded with their plans to get married. Jack raced into the chapel to stop the wedding. Everyone was stunned when Greenlee lifted her veil to inform her father that she intended to go through with her marriage to David. Ryan was shocked when he saw Greenlee standing at the altar.
February 15 to 19, 2010
Everyone was stunned to discover that David's bride was Greenlee Smythe. Ryan was devastated when he realized that Greenlee intended to marry David on Valentine's Day. Ryan insisted that he had never stopped loving Greenlee. Ryan begged Greenlee to elope with him. Greenlee refused to forgive Ryan for moving on so soon after her "death." Ryan managed to lock himself in the turret room with Greenlee. Greenlee reluctantly admitted that she was in love with Ryan; however, Greenlee remained determined to marry David. JR suffered a setback when he learned that he would need a bone marrow transplant. JR asked Marissa to officially adopt Little A. Adam wanted Tad to find a woman named Sonia Reyes. Annie offered to be tested, but JR refused to accept Annie's bone marrow if she was a match. Colby pretended to be Annie when Colby called Oak Haven to leave a message for Dr. Burke. Annie was stunned when Dr. Burke showed up to check on her. Annie feared that everyone expected "Crazy Annie" to snap. Annie was hurt when Scott decided to distance himself from her. Annie found a tire iron on the patio. Adam was concerned when he spotted Annie picking up the crowbar. David tried to force Angie to resign as chief of staff. David found himself tied up and at Erica's mercy. Erica discovered that David had received a call from Massachusetts.
February 22 to 26, 2010
Damon informed Liza that Bailey intended to remain in Ohio with Stuart. Damon was arrested for the rash of burglaries in Pine Valley after DNA linked him to the crimes. Annie was rattled when she found a tire iron on the patio. Scott realized that Colby had been behind the prank. Colby freely admitted that she had tried to get to Annie. Adam was furious when he realized what Colby had done. Adam reminded Scott, Annie, and Colby that JR was fighting for his life. Annie set her sights on becoming the new Editor-in-Chief of Tempo. Brooke English returned to Pine Valley. Annie felt threatened by Brooke's presence. Ryan decided to give Greenlee the space that she needed after he overheard Greenlee's conversation with Jake. Greenlee was touched that Ryan had remembered her birthday; however, she remained determined to marry David. David and Greenlee were finally wed. David was surprised when Greenlee asked him to make love to her. Angie and Jesse reconnected as lovers. A patient died after Frankie failed to give Angie a message. Frankie re-injured his hand. Little A decided to start going by the name AJ. JR's condition continued to deteriorate. JR asked Tad to watch over AJ. Tad located Sonia Reyes's son, who agreed to be tested as a possible match to JR. Miguel Reyes failed to show up at the hospital to donate his bone marrow to JR. Doctors rushed to JR's bedside when JR's heart gave out.
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MARCH 2010
March 1 to 5, 2010
Ryan and Erica joined forces against David. Gayle agreed to help Jake, Ryan, and Erica. Gayle pretended to shoot Erica, in order to force David to reveal the name of the coroner whom David had paid to help fake Greenlee's death. David also signed a confession. David was shocked when a supposedly gravely injured Erica stood up and then snatched the confession out of David's hand. Greenlee managed to turn the tables on Ryan, Erica, and Gayle. David seized the opportunity to escape when Greenlee faked a back injury. David laid in wait at Erica's penthouse. Annie learned that she was a partial match for JR. Annie felt threatened by Adam's relationship with Brooke, so she decided to use the news that she was a partial match to her advantage. Adam was elated when he realized that Annie could save JR. Annie and Adam agreed to keep the news a secret because of JR's refusal to accept Annie's help. Annie was stunned to learn that Adam had invited Brooke to move in. As Annie prepared to undergo the procedure to extract her bone marrow, she had a disturbing dream that Adam had left her for Brooke. Annie woke up and then ordered the doctors to halt the procedure. Dixie was with JR in his time of need. Dixie took JR to her version of heaven where JR was reunited with Stuart. Dixie and Stuart refused to allow JR to run away from his problems. Tad couldn't stop thinking about Dixie. Tad opened his home to Damon when he realized that Damon was homeless. Opal saw Damon in a new light. Damon revealed that his mother would be at his hearing.
March 8 to 12, 2010
Annie had second thoughts about donating her bone marrow to JR, but Adam managed to calm Annie's fears. JR's health improved after he received the lifesaving transplant. JR wanted to know the name of his donor, but Angie cited doctor/patient confidentiality. JR asked Brooke to watch over Adam. JR feared that Annie would try to kill Adam, in order to get her hands on Adam's fortune. Annie asked Brooke to move out of the mansion. Adam was furious; he ordered Annie to apologize to Brooke and then invite Brooke to move back in. Adam made it clear that he was grateful to Brooke for all that she had done. Ryan pretended to believe Greenlee's claims that she didn't know where David was. Ryan hoped that Greenlee would drop her guard long enough to lead him to David. David was forced to go into hiding. David lurked in the tunnels of the Chandler mansion. David witnessed Adam collapse on the sofa from an apparent heart attack. Tad was stunned to learn that Damon's mother was Hillary Wilson, Tad's first love. Jesse wondered if Tad could be Damon's father. The judge agreed to sentence Damon to probation and community service if an adult agreed to supervise Damon. Tad volunteered to be Damon's court-appointed guardian.
March 15 to 19, 2010
Brooke moved back to the Chandler mansion. Adam agreed that David could hide out at the mansion on the condition that David would serve as Adam's personal physician. Adam didn't want anyone to know the true state of his health. Annie tried to initiate intimacy with Adam, but Adam claimed that he was too tired. Annie was certain that Brooke was the reason for Adam's rejection. David warned Adam that Annie was the same opportunistic liar that she had always been. Greenlee and David reunited. Greenlee was taken aback when David kissed her. David claimed that he had been caught up in the moment; he agreed that he and Greenlee were "married friends." Erica and Greenlee struck a bargain: the woman with the most successful product line would take control of Fusion. Ryan used a dummy corporation to buy Zach's casino. Ryan invited Madison to use Seasons Casino as a location shoot for Greenlee's new product line. Damon was surprised to learn that Tad knew Damon's mother. A DNA test confirmed that Damon was Tad's son. Damon was hurt when he learned that the Millers had left for Europe. Damon stole a bottle of pills off of a cart at the hospital. Liza warned Colby that Damon's life was about to explode. Tad suggested that he and Liza take a step back from each other. Annie told JR that she was his bone marrow donor.
March 22 to 26, 2010
Adam grew weary of Annie's constant need for reassurance. Annie questioned Liza about what to expect if Annie were to divorce Adam. Colby arranged a special delivery for Adam. JR was furious when he learned that Annie had saved his life by donating her bone marrow. JR confided to Colby that he intended to use Annie's gift of life against her. JR arranged for Annie to appear on the cover page of Tempo magazine to promote a feature article on bone marrow donation. Tad broke up with Liza. Liza went to ConFusion to nurse her broken heart. Damon managed to lie convincingly when Angie confronted him about some missing drugs from a hospital cart. Damon took one of the pills and then ended up sneaking drinks from Liza at ConFusion. Tad jumped to the wrong conclusion when he found Damon and Liza together. Jesse used Greenlee to lure David out of hiding. David took steps to help Greenlee when he learned of her arrest. Liza agreed to represent David, but she wanted David to turn himself in to the police. Greenlee tracked down David. Ryan was close on Greenlee's heels. Erica hired Amanda to be the new cover girl model for Erica's product line. Jackson told Erica that he intended to remain in Pine Valley.
March 29 to April 2, 2010
Annie managed to get her hands on the divorce papers that Colby had arranged to be sent to the mansion. Annie burned the papers before Adam realized what was in the envelope that the process server had delivered. Colby threatened to tell Adam about the divorce papers, but Annie warned her that Adam wouldn't believe his troubled daughter over his loving wife. JR arranged for Annie to be invited to go to Washington to speak before a congressional subcommittee to raise money for bone marrow research. Marissa moved out of the mansion while she recovered from the flu. Adam confessed to Brooke that he had a dream about her. David was arrested after Greenlee led Ryan and Jesse to Liza's apartment. Liza was stunned to discover that Kendall had caused the accident that had nearly killed Greenlee. Greenlee began asking questions about her accident. Tad and Krystal helped Ryan discover that the casino manager had been stealing from the customers. Ryan offered Tad a job as the new casino manager. Colby was determined to help Damon get his GED when she learned that he hadn't graduated from high school. Tragedy struck when Damon crashed while texting and driving. Colby was a passenger in the car.
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APRIL 2010
April 5 to 9, 2010
Liza wanted to make Kendall's role in Greenlee's accident the heart of David's defense. David refused to allow Liza to use the information because he didn't want Greenlee to learn that her best friend had nearly killed her. Greenlee remained determined to find out exactly what happened on the night that she nearly died. Greenlee enlisted Natalia's help. Natalia was surprised to discover that the file on the accident had been sealed. Greenlee tracked down Kendall. Kendall was hurt that Erica hadn't told her that Greenlee was alive. Kendall suspected that Greenlee had discovered that Kendall had an affair with Ryan. Damon crashed while driving and texting. Colby wasn't seriously injured in the accident, but Damon and Brooke required emergency surgery. Liza took steps to get Damon out of Colby's life. Annie was furious when Adam decided not to accompany her to Washington. Adam arranged for Brooke to recover at the mansion. Brooke was touched when Adam made it possible for Brooke to "visit" with her children. JR found himself drawn to Annie. Things heated up between JR and Annie in Washington. Adam collapsed after he testified at David's trial. A court officer prevented David from going to Adam.
April 12 to 16, 2010
Greenlee accused Kendall of deliberately trying to kill her when Greenlee learned that Kendall had caused the accident. Greenlee suspected that Kendall had wanted Ryan for herself. Kendall reminded Greenlee that she had forgiven Greenlee for taking Spike. Zach admitted to Greenlee that he had forgiven Kendall, but he and Kendall continued to work on their marriage. Kendall was tempted to return to Pine Valley, so that Ryan could spend some time with Spike and she and Greenlee could work things out. Kendall put her marriage first when Zach refused to leave Spain. Liza insisted that Greenlee had to testify, in order to help David. Greenlee ripped Kendall apart on the stand. Greenlee lied when she claimed that she had been awake after the accident and fighting for her life because of her best friend. Ryan washed his hands of Greenlee because of what she had done to Kendall. David was thrilled when he was acquitted. JR was filled with self-loathing and remorse after he and Annie had sex. Marissa turned up at the hotel room moments after Annie left. Everyone rushed home when they learned that Adam had collapsed. JR continued to be plagued by thoughts of his tryst with Annie. JR had the proof against Annie that he needed, but he decided to burn the incriminating tape. David saved Adam's life, but warned Adam to retire or die from the stress. Adam turned over the reigns of Chandler Enterprises to JR and Scott. Brooke was startled when Adam kissed her. Adam confessed that he had feelings for Brooke, but Brooke insisted that they didn't have a future together.
April 19 to 23, 2010
The residents of Pine Valley gathered to say goodbye to Palmer Cortlandt, who died in his hotel room of a heart attack. Daisy and Nina returned to Pine Valley for the funeral. Dixie welcomed Palmer home. David was acquitted of all charges. David credited Greenlee for helping him to avoid a conviction. Brot was stunned when Natalia agreed to do a nude photo shoot with Ciro. Damon was relieved that he was only given a mandatory sentence of therapy for causing the car accident. Ryan washed his hands of Greenlee because she had lied about Kendall on the witness stand. Angie informed David that his medical license had been permanently revoked. David decided to buy Pine Valley Hospital. David and Greenlee made love. Amanda's stalker, Amandafan, was delighted that Amanda had responded to the email. JR continued to be drawn to Annie. Brooke admitted that she was in love with Adam, but she didn't want to be the cause of Adam's divorce from Annie. Stuart offered Adam some sage advice. Brooke asked Erica to watch over Adam after Brooke left town. Adam found JR and Amanda in a compromising position. Adam realized that he had never loved Annie and that Annie probably had never loved him. Annie threatened to tell Marissa about their affair if JR didn't allow Annie to remain in the mansion. Adam refused to allow Brooke to walk away from him. Brooke and Adam decided to leave Pine Valley together to start a new life.
April 26 to 30, 2010
Brot was furious when a fellow police officer posted pictures of Natalia "au naturel" around the police station. Jesse was forced to suspend Brot after Brot punched a police officer because of the pictures. Brot confessed that he didn't want to be a cop. Liza delivered divorce papers to Annie from Adam. Adam listed Annie's infidelity as grounds for the divorce. When Marissa began to ask questions about Annie's affair, Scott claimed that he had been involved with Annie. Greenlee was unable to return David's declaration of love after they made love. Greenlee was not pleased when she learned that Madison had taken a job at Ryan's casino to make ends meet. Ryan arranged to secretly pay Madison's back rent in exchange for the landlord's agreement to drop the lawsuit. Randi caught Madison taking money from petty cash. Madison claimed that she had just been borrowing money for lunch because she forgot her wallet. David sensed that Madison might be the key to getting Ryan out of Greenlee's life. David started digging into Madison's past. David overheard a revealing conversation between Randi and Madison. Paul Miller arranged to meet Tad about Damon. Paul didn't put much stock in Damon's diagnosis of ADHD. Damon took off before Paul could force him to return to Ohio. Liza was not pleased when she spotted Colby and Damon in the park together. Damon learned that Tad was his biological father. Amanda and Jake turned to Jesse for help with Amandafan. Amandafan was revealed to be Janet Green.
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MAY 2010
May 3 to 7, 2010
Amanda learned that Amandafan was her mother. Janet had planned to kidnap Amanda and Trevor and then move to Italy, where Janet intended to manage Amanda's career. Brot and Jake arrived in the nick of time to rescue Amanda and Natalia. At the hospital, Janet suffered a violent seizure. Jake suspected that Janet had a stroke. David overheard a revealing conversation between Randi and Madison. David was uncomfortable with Greenlee's decision to fly to Rio on business with Ryan. Ryan agreed to help Greenlee resolve a packaging issue for her new product line in exchange for Greenlee's promise to clear Kendall's name. David blackmailed Madison to seduce Ryan, in order to get Ryan away from Greenlee. In Rio, Greenlee realized that she might be pregnant. Greenlee wasn't happy about the prospect of going through the loss of another child. Tad confirmed to Damon that a DNA test had revealed that he was Damon's biological father. Tad opened up to Damon about his brief marriage to Hillary. Damon continued to push Tad away. Jake and Angie were stunned when David announced that he had bought the hospital. Scott learned that he had controlling interest in Chandler Enterprises. JR told Marissa about his affair with Annie. Marissa was devastated by the news. She took off her wedding ring, handed it to JR, and then walked out on their marriage.
May 10 to 14, 2010
Erica found some legal papers on Jack's desk that she used to cause trouble for Greenlee. Jack realized too late what Erica had done. Despite Erica's betrayal, Jack refused to help Greenlee sabotage Erica. Janet suffered a stroke. Amanda feared that she would one day end up like her mother. Jake tried to reassure his wife that she was nothing like Janet. Marissa moved in with Krystal. JR let Annie know that he would never touch her again because their affair had cost him his marriage. At Adam's direction, Liza arrived at the Chandler mansion with a police marshal and a court order for Annie to vacate the premises. JR was crushed when Liza revealed that Adam had not asked after him. Annie dropped Emma off with Ryan and then decided to spend the night in the park because she was afraid that Adam would find a way to use Ryan's offer of a room at the casino against her. Things turned violent when a mugger tried to steal Annie's purse. Scott raced to Annie's rescue and then he invited her to live at the gatehouse. David found Greenlee's pregnancy test. Greenlee didn't appreciate David riffling through her things. David resented that Greenlee had confided to Ryan about the possible pregnancy. Greenlee was relieved when the pregnancy test was negative. Madison opened up to Randi about David's plans for Madison to seduce Ryan. Randi helped Madison fake a bruised eye, so that Ryan would think that Madison had once again been the victim of abuse. Madison couldn't go through with the lie, so she told Ryan about David's attempt to blackmail her. Ryan was stunned to learn that Madison had killed Henry. Ryan confronted David while Greenlee eavesdropped on the conversation.
May 17 to 21, 2010
Amanda feared that she would follow in her mother's footsteps. Jake believed that Amanda had allowed an irrational fear to take root because of the ramblings of a very ill woman. Jake surprised Amanda by proposing that they get married again. Damon was disappointed when Bailey called off her trip to Europe because she couldn't bear to part with Stuart. Tad reached out to Bailey, who revealed that Damon wasn't Stuart's father. Liza warned Bailey that they would need a paternity test to confirm Bailey's claims. Marissa admitted that she wanted to try to save her marriage. JR promised Marissa that he would do whatever it took to get their lives back on track. JR and Marissa were stunned to discover that Scott had invited Annie to live at the gatehouse. Scott revealed to Annie that he had been working with Palmer on a new product that had the potential to earn billions. Greenlee and David took steps to make it appear as if Erica had skimmed the profits from the Miranda line. Erica and Jackson made love, but their happiness was short-lived when Erica discovered a revealing text message to Jackson from Greenlee. Jackson promised that he hadn't been scheming against Erica, but Erica didn't believe him. Erica went to Pigeon Hollow to retrieve some of Palmer's things. In Pigeon Hollow, Erica was given a letter that Palmer had written to her. David arranged to have the fuel pump in Erica's jet disabled. Erica ordered her pilot to take off without having the jet checked. Shortly after takeoff, Erica's pilot was forced to crash-land the jet.
May 24 to 28, 2010
A mountain man named Caleb rescued Erica and her pilot after the jet crashed. The pilot was taken to a hospital, but Erica found herself stranded on the mountain with Caleb. Caleb led Erica on a trek through the woods to his second cabin because the jet had destroyed his primary residence. Erica was horrified by the primitive conditions that Caleb lived in, but she refused to allow Caleb to push her around. Greenlee was stunned when David confessed that he had paid someone to tamper with Erica's jet to prevent Erica from returning to Pine Valley before the scandal broke. Greenlee feared that Erica's jet might have crashed, but David argued that Erica had likely dropped out of sight to devise a strategy to deal with the scandal. Ryan was surprised when David claimed to have found a gift on the Chandler mansion doorstep from Erica to Emma. Emma was thrilled that Greenlee attended her birthday party. Marissa reached out to her father for help on how to deal with Annie. Annie manipulated Scott into letting her move into the mansion. JR tried to focus on his marriage, but thoughts of Annie kept intruding. Scott decided to pass off Palmer's discovery as his own. Madison continued to hide from everyone that she was homeless. Krystal revealed that she had bought BJ's. Liza sabotaged Damon's attempt to get a job, so that he wouldn't be able to raise money to spend the summer with Colby in New York. Krystal hired Damon to work for her.
May 31 to June 4, 2010
Erica fell ill after injuring her leg. Caleb carried her to the cabin and then made her comfortable, but he didn't make any effort to get her help even though he had a cell phone hidden in his pocket. Erica admitted that Caleb scared her. Determined to get away from Caleb and back to civilization, Erica stormed out of the cabin. Jackson headed to West Virginia to talk to Doc Waller. Greenlee worried that Jackson would find Erica, so she lured her father home with pleas to help with the FCC. Greenlee had a vision of Erica, warning her that David would eventually betray Greenlee. Ryan questioned Greenlee about David's possible involvement in Erica's disappearance. Greenlee refused to tell Ryan anything. Ryan explained to Madison that he wanted to keep things casual between them. Ryan and Emma found Madison in the park. Madison had twisted her ankle, so they helped her to the hospital. Afterwards, Ryan offered to take Madison home. Madison revealed that she didn't have a place to stay, so Ryan offered her a room at the casino. Damon moved back into the Martin house. Damon wanted Colby to spend the night, but Tad cautioned him to remember that there were impressionable children under the roof. Annie was livid when JR talked to a blogger about her. Scott promised to force the blogger to retract the unflattering statements, but Annie argued that the damage had been done. Scott accused JR of being jealous that Scott would end up with everything that JR ever wanted. Marissa turned to her father for advice. David was hopeful that he and Marissa could start over again. Marissa blasted David when David criticized JR. Marissa demanded that JR put her and AJ first. Annie exploited Marissa's insecurities by suggesting that, deep down inside, Marissa knew that JR was obsessed with Annie.
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JUNE 2010
June 7 to 11, 2010
JR and Annie continued to be drawn to one another despite their determination to stay away from each other. Annie agreed to move in with Scott. Ruth returned to Pine Valley for Jake and Amanda's wedding. Things turned violent between David and Jake at Jake's bachelor party. During the fight, Amanda's wedding ring was lost. Ryan and Greenlee joined forces to find the ring. Greenlee was plagued with guilt about what had happened to Erica. Greenlee didn't want to ruin Jake and Amanda's reception, so she took Ryan to Fusion to tell him that Erica's plane was missing. Madison was hurt when she saw Ryan leave the reception with Greenlee. Jesse hauled Greenlee and David to the police station to question them about Erica's missing jet. Jackson was stunned to learn that Greenlee had known that there had been more to Erica's disappearance. Krystal insisted on joining Jackson to search for Erica in West Virginia. Angie was plagued by strange symptoms. Jesse was alarmed when Angie collapsed in his arms. Angie assured Jesse that she was fine, but secretly Angie was troubled. Colby agreed to bury the hatchet if Liza promised to stop trying to break up Colby and Damon. Liza learned that Colby planned to sleep with Damon after Jake and Amanda's wedding. Liza decided to hire a stripper to seduce Damon, but things went awry. Liza managed to get Damon to her apartment where she planned to make it appear as if Damon had seduced her. Damon ducked out of sight before Tad discovered him in Liza's bedroom. Damon managed to snap some incriminating pictures of a scantily clad Liza. Tad wanted to work things out with Liza, unaware of what was brewing between Liza and Damon. Colby confessed to Damon that she realized that she wanted more when she had reached for Amanda's bouquet. Erica found a locket in the pocket of Caleb's shirt. Caleb snatched the locket away and then refused to answer Erica's questions.
June 14 to 18, 2010
Colby changed her mind about having sex with Damon because she wanted it to be about more than hurting Liza. Liza was rattled while on a date with Tad when Damon sent her one of the risqué pictures that he had taken of her. Liza told Tad that she wasn't ready to be intimate with him. Damon was on hand to help Liza when she suffered a serious allergic reaction. Jesse questioned David and Greenlee about Erica's missing plane. Greenlee refused to incriminate David. Ryan was stunned when Jesse released David and Greenlee for lack of evidence. Bianca arrived in Pine Valley to help search for her mother. Bianca made it clear to David and Greenlee that she would get to the bottom of Erica's plane crash. Greenlee questioned Madison's loyalty when Madison suggested that Fusion launch a search for Erica. Madison suspected that Greenlee's decision to fire her was more about Ryan than about business. Jackson and Krystal closed in on Erica's location. Erica discovered that Caleb had hidden her cell phone. Erica fell into a pit after she stormed out of Caleb's cabin with her phone and Palmer's box. Caleb rescued Erica and then helped her back to the cabin. Erica was overjoyed when found Jackson and Krystal searching Caleb's cabin. Erica credited Caleb with saving her life. Caleb disappeared before Erica had an opportunity to thank him. JR and Annie were determined to put their affair behind them. JR asked Marissa to move back into their bedroom, but Marissa wasn't ready. Angie continued to be plagued by odd symptoms, so she ran a battery of tests, including one to determine if she were pregnant. Jake became suspicious when he caught Angie in a lie.
June 21 to 25, 2010
Erica returned to Pine Valley, but her thoughts remained on Caleb. Jackson was delighted when Erica accepted his proposal of marriage. David advised Greenlee to launch her product line before Erica had an opportunity to recover from her ordeal. David drugged Bianca after she threatened to inform everyone what the Haywards had done to Erica. The SEC closed Fusion's doors until they could determine what had happened to the missing funds. Erica, Greenlee, and Bianca joined forces to save Fusion. Madison offered to take the fall for the scandal, but Erica and Bianca refused to consider it. Ryan kissed Madison. Scott and Annie raced to the hospital in the hopes of getting their hands on Palmer's will. JR gained a new outlook on life after he met the widow and newborn son of his friend, Trent, who had died of cancer. Annie bumped into JR in the park, where they shared a heated kiss. Marissa decided to use AJ's harmless bee sting to her advantage. Tad decided that he wanted to officially become Damon's father by adopting him. Damon agreed to Tad's idea. Angie ran tests, which confirmed her suspicions that she had a viral infection in her eyes. Angie realized that she might lose her sight forever, but she chose to spend a night with Jesse rather than tell him. Natalia was promoted to detective.
June 28 to July 2, 2010
David overheard Bianca urge Greenlee to let him take the fall for the Miranda Center scandal. Greenlee refused to go along with the plan. David stunned everyone when he confessed to the Securities and Exchange Commission. David had secretly paid the SEC agent to make certain that he would not have to go to jail. Everyone gathered for the reading of Palmer's will. David and Greenlee learned that Palmer had purchased Wildwind. Jesse evicted the Haywards from the mansion, per Palmer's instructions. JR was bequeathed some Chandler shares that Dixie had refused to take when Palmer had financed the company's recovery. Annie and Scott were aghast to realize that JR was an equal partner in Chandler Enterprises. Tad and JR talked about JR's attraction to Annie. Tad suggested that JR craved Annie the way that he craved alcohol. Marissa tried to dress more seductively for JR, but AJ didn't like his mother's new look. Erica was shocked to discover that Caleb was Palmer's nephew, Caleb Cooney. Caleb had inherited Cortlandt Electronics on the condition that he remained in Pine Valley for one year to run the company with Erica. Palmer also wanted Caleb to change his last name to Cortlandt. Erica and Caleb strongly objected to working together. Amanda discovered the pictures that Damon had taken of Liza. Colby confessed to Tad that she suspected that Damon was cheating on her, but Tad was certain that she was wrong. Damon urged Colby to go to New York without him.
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JULY 2010
July 5 to 9, 2010
Erica was livid when she spotted Scott and JR talking to Caleb at the Yacht Club. Erica insisted that Palmer wouldn't have wanted Caleb to sell Cortlandt Electronics to the Chandlers, but Caleb ignored her advice. Erica was livid when Caleb signed over the company to Scott and JR. Jackson began to question the true nature of Erica and Caleb's relationship. David let the mayor know that Jesse had flown to West Virginia on the taxpayers' dime. Iris suspended Jesse, without pay, from his job. Angie continued to be plagued with bouts of vision loss, but she kept it from her family. Tad signed the adoption papers to officially make Damon his son. A celebratory hug between Liza and Damon led to an unexpected kiss. Colby decided to tell Damon that she wasn't going to New York because she had lost the internship. Ryan overheard a revealing conversation between David and Agent Bennett. Greenlee was stunned when Ryan told her that David had paid off the SEC agent to avoid jail time. Greenlee accused David of using his heroism as a means to get her into bed. David insisted that Greenlee was the love of his life. Frankie offered Madison a couch to sleep on while the painters finished up at her place. Randi revealed that she had to fly to Italy because Amanda had backed out of the photo shoot.
July 12 to 16, 2010
Marissa was not happy to learn that Annie was hired to head the public relations department at Chandler Enterprises. Annie tried to prove to JR that she was capable of doing her job, but she found herself the recipient of unwanted advances when a client lured her to his room. JR kicked in the door when he heard Annie's cries for help. Bianca was overjoyed when Jackson reunited her with Miranda and Gabrielle. Erica learned that Caleb had graduated from Stanford Law School. Caleb confessed to Erica that Adam had seduced his fiancée and destroyed his career. Erica was startled when Caleb kissed her. Erica refused to throw away what she had with Jackson. Jackson was surprised when Erica suggested that they postpone the wedding, but go on the honeymoon to make sure that they were getting married for the right reasons. Angie continued to be plagued with bouts of blindness. Jake helped Angie conceal her ailment from everyone. Greenlee turned to alcohol after an argument with David. Ryan didn't want Greenlee drinking and driving, so he took her back to her room. Greenlee admitted that there were times in the morning when she opened her eyes expecting to see Ryan sleeping beside her. Greenlee followed Ryan and Madison to New York. Randi learned that Frankie might lose his job. Randi offered to cancel the trip to Italy, but Frankie insisted that she go. Colby decided to search through Damon's things to see if she could find proof that he was cheating on her. Liza was livid when she discovered that Colby had turned down the internship in order to stay in Pine Valley with Damon.
July 19 to 23, 2010
Liza's decision to switch Damon's medication with placebos began to have the desired effects. Damon's erratic behavior caused problems with Colby. Colby turned to her mother for advice about Damon. Liza suggested that perhaps Damon wasn't ready for a commitment with Colby. Liza caught Damon with his hand in the till at Krystal's. Liza claimed to be worried about Damon when she told Tad that Damon had kissed her. Colby was livid when she walked in on JR and Annie kissing. Emma was upset after overhearing an argument between Colby, JR, and Annie. Annie was impressed by the way that Scott comforted Emma. Annie was offended when JR asked her to be his mistress, so she proposed marriage to Scott. JR pretended to be happy for Annie and Scott when they announced their engagement. Marissa failed the bar exam. Things heated up between Ryan and Madison. Madison confided to Frankie that she was falling in love with Ryan. Ryan and David had a heated confrontation about Greenlee. Ryan suffered a searing headache and then collapsed. Ryan was rushed into surgery after being diagnosed with an aneurysm. Ryan dreamed of Greenlee while he was unconscious. Angie suffered another bout of vision loss while she was treating Ryan. Jake was on hand to help Angie, but David noticed Angie's hesitation. Caleb rented Wildwind to Bianca because he intended to return to the mountains after selling Cortlandt Electronics. Caleb was outraged when he realized that JR had bought the company. Bianca invited Caleb to stay at Wildwind with her while he took steps to get Cortlandt Electronics back from JR.
July 26 to 30, 2010
David provided Liza with more placebos in exchange for her agreement to represent him. Colby was crushed when Adam failed to show up for their meeting. Damon's attempt to comfort Colby led to them making love. Liza revealed that Adam's plane had been grounded due to bad weather. Tad told Damon about Liza's claim that Damon had kissed her. Damon accused Liza of trying to set Colby up for the same heartbreak that Liza had suffered when Tad had slept with Liza's mother. Liza denied Damon's accusation, but Tad didn't believe her. Angie was stunned to learn that she was pregnant. Angie's joy was tempered by the realization that she couldn't continue taking the experimental medication. Jesse was thrilled when Angie told him about the baby. Angie suffered another bout of vision loss while she was with Jesse, so she had to tell him. Greenlee insisted that she needed some time apart from David. David threatened to incriminate Greenlee in the Miranda Center scandal if she left him. Ryan slowly recovered from emergency brain surgery for an aneurysm. Randi returned home to find that Madison hadn't moved out. Randi didn't like what she saw between Frankie and Madison. Annie tried to make peace with Marissa by apologizing for the affair. Marissa made it clear that she and Annie would never be friends. Annie received papers finalizing her divorce from Adam. Annie insisted that her marriage to Scott would be the one to last because Scott loved her for who she was.
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August 2 to 6, 2010
Annie received papers finalizing her divorce from Adam. Annie assured JR that she was eager to marry Scott. Scott was startled when Annie suggested that they elope. JR admitted to Annie that he didn't think that he could watch her marry Scott. JR was not happy when Marissa announced that Caleb had offered her a job. JR urged Marissa to work for Chandler Enterprises, but Marissa was determined to succeed on her own terms. Marissa wondered if JR would have married her if he hadn't been dying. JR surprised Marissa when he suggested that they expand their family. Marissa wanted their marriage to be in a stronger place before she and JR had their own children. JR found proof that Scott had stolen the nano technology from Palmer. Jesse was stunned when Angie told him that she was losing her eyesight. Jesse wanted Angie to continue her treatment, but Angie refused to put their baby at risk. Jesse talked to Tad about Angie's pregnancy. Tad opened up to Jesse about Dixie's decision to have Kathy. Liza admitted that she had switched Damon's medication with placebos. Damon was taken aback when Liza urged him to give Tad a chance because Tad loved being Damon's father. Colby was livid when she learned what her mother had done to Damon. Liza was crushed when Colby made it clear that she didn't want to have anything to do with Liza. Ryan was surprised to learn that Greenlee had decided to work things out with David. Greenlee reminded David that she resented being blackmailed by him. Greenlee decided to switch tactics, in an effort to gain the upper hand over David. Frankie was disappointed when Randi's modeling career put a crimp in their plans for a romantic afternoon.
August 9 to 13, 2010
David showed Liza the evidence that he had manufactured against Greenlee to implicate her in the plane crash that had almost killed Erica. Liza warned David that blackmailing Greenlee was a mistake. Kendall returned to Pine Valley. Ryan let Kendall know that his relapse was a ploy to get Greenlee to open up to him about David. Greenlee raced to Ryan's side when she learned that Ryan's health was declining. Ryan's scheme worked; Greenlee admitted that David was blackmailing her. Kendall thanked Greenlee for not pressing charges against her for the accident. Greenlee made it clear that she'd done it for Ryan, so he would help her at Fusion. Krystal offered to give Caleb a makeover. Caleb learned about the circumstances of Babe's death. Marissa was rattled by what she saw between JR and Annie at the beach cottage. Marissa wondered if Annie ever looked at Scott as if he were the last person on earth. Heartbroken by JR and Annie's betrayal, Scott and Marissa found comfort in each other's arms. Marissa decided to end her marriage to JR. Scott was filled with remorse when he heard Annie's voicemail message explaining why she was at the cottage with JR. Marissa suggested that perhaps she and Scott should tell JR and Annie that they'd slept together. JR decided it was time for him and Annie to have a frank discussion with Scott and Marissa. Tad was stunned when Damon announced that he wanted to stop taking the medication for his ADHD. Damon explained that he felt more in touch with his true feelings without the medication. Jesse was reinstated after he acknowledged to Mayor Blanco that he had abused his position as Chief of Police.
August 16 to 20, 2010
Scott and Marissa realized that JR and Annie had told the truth when they had denied that they had slept together at the beach cottage. Scott urged Marissa not to tell JR and Annie about their one-night stand. Marissa decided that it was best to end her marriage to JR. Annie remained determined to go through with her marriage to Scott. Scott insisted that he wanted to marry Annie, but Marissa had her doubts about Scott's commitment to Annie. Colby and Damon met a new friend named Asher. Asher managed to pull Colby to safety when the railing on a rooftop gave way. Greenlee overheard David talking to the mechanic who had tampered with Erica's plane. Greenlee decided to get her hands on David's phone. Greenlee gave the disposable phone that David used to Ryan. Madison took special care to make certain that everything was perfect for Ryan's return home from the hospital. Ryan kissed Madison. Natalia reminded Frankie that he was a married man when she witnessed a close moment between Frankie and Madison. Natalia and Frankie had different ideas about what Angie should do to treat her illness. David encountered Angie in the park during one of Angie's bouts of blindness. David questioned what was wrong with Angie's eyesight.
August 23 to 27, 2010
Marissa told JR that she had slept with Scott. JR decided to tell Annie about Scott and Marissa before Annie married Scott. JR insisted that Annie belonged with him. Scott explained that he and Marissa had been heartbroken because they had thought that Annie and JR had betrayed them again. Annie refused to walk away from Scott, so she went through with the wedding. Damon was furious with himself when he had an accident in Tad's car. Asher surprised Damon by taking responsibility for the damage to Tad's car. Asher managed to persuade Damon to resume taking the ADHD medication. David impressed Liza when he offered two tickets to Colby and Damon for a party at the Yacht Club. David explained that Liza wanted Colby to have the tickets. Colby was disappointed when she learned that Damon had agreed to work at the party to make extra money to take Colby out on a real date. Damon suggested that Colby take Asher to the party. Asher had a letter tucked into his backpack that read in part, "One day you will be reunited with the family that you lost." Caleb became strangely silent when Krystal assumed that he didn't have any children. Kendall and Zach decided to move back to Pine Valley. Ryan was thrilled to learn that he would be able to spend more time with Spike. Kendall noticed that things were heating up between Ryan and Madison. Kendall was curious how Greenlee felt about Ryan. Greenlee showed up on Ryan's doorstep after Ryan and Madison made love.
August 30 to September 2, 2010
Caleb raced to Miranda's rescue when Angie smelled smoke in the mansion. Caleb and Angie worked together to save Miranda's life. Damon decided to work at Caleb's party to make some extra money to take Colby out on a real date. Damon suggested that Colby go to the party with Asher. JR questioned why Asher was spending so much time with Colby. Colby suggested that JR thank Asher because Asher had persuaded her to take the job with Chandler Enterprises. Caleb announced that he intended to honor Palmer's legacy by taking back Cortlandt Electronics. Caleb also revealed that he intended to change his name to Caleb Cortlandt. Madison had an unsettling encounter with David that made her realize that Greenlee was in a bad situation. Madison supported Ryan's decision to help Greenlee get away from David, but she was hurt when Ryan stood her up at Caleb's party. David realized that Greenlee and Ryan were in cahoots when he spotted them together in the park. David threatened Ryan's life if Greenlee didn't get Ryan to back off. Things escalated between Ryan and David when David confronted Ryan. Asher and Colby witnessed a violent confrontation between Ryan and David. Later, David collapsed at Caleb's feet during the party.
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September 6 to 10, 2010
Everyone was shocked when David Hayward collapsed during Caleb's party. Jake quickly confirmed that David had died. Jake suspected foul play because of some trauma to David's head, so Jesse declared the Yacht Club a crime scene. An autopsy was ordered to determine what had killed David. Liza was appointed the interim District Attorney, so she began to investigate the events leading up to David's murder. Colby was hesitant to tell anyone about the fight that she and Asher had witnessed between David and Ryan. Asher panicked when Colby decided to confide in her mother. Colby felt betrayed when Liza explained that she needed to act on the information that Colby had given her. Later, Asher explained that the police make him uncomfortable because he had gotten into a few scrapes with the law in the past. Marissa received a voicemail message from father, promising to work on their relationship. After Marissa erased the message, Krystal broke the news to her daughter that David had died. Ryan feared that he might have been responsible for David's death, so he went to the police to confess. Kendall was arrested for destroying evidence after she stole Liza's briefcase, which held incriminating evidence against Ryan and Greenlee. Angie was heartbroken when her vision didn't return after twenty-four hours. The doctor confirmed that Angie was legally blind. Scott and Annie decided to return to Pine Valley when they learned of David's murder. Natalia warned Madison to stop leaning on Frankie because he was a married man.
September 13 to 17, 2010
Several residents gathered to say goodbye to David. Marissa accused JR of trying to take down Scott, in an effort to get Annie back. Marissa insisted that JR was not making AJ a priority. AJ disappeared while under JR's care. Annie found AJ hiding in the park after he had overheard an argument between his parents. Marissa's concern for AJ grew when she learned that AJ had gotten into a fight at school. Things turned nasty between Marissa and JR when he reminded her that she was not AJ's real mother. Annie arranged for a meeting between Scott and Caleb after JR issued a press release designed to discredit Scott. Caleb invited Scott to join forces with him against JR. Asher managed to get his hands on Caleb's schedule, which he gave to JR. Greenlee was stunned to learn that David had died of digitalis poisoning. Later, Greenlee discovered an empty vial of digitalis in Ryan's jacket pocket. Ryan hired Tad to investigate what had happened to David. Ryan asked a hypnotist to help him recover his memories from the night of David's death. Greenlee overheard Ryan admit that he loved her while he was under hypnosis. Jesse suspected that David had intended the poison for Ryan, but the glasses of champagne had gotten mixed up. Angie was reprimanded for practicing medicine while suffering bouts of blindness. Angie defended her actions and assured the board that she had always had another doctor on hand while she had treated patients. The board decided that Angie could keep her job as chief of staff after Angie's loved ones spoke on Angie's behalf. Kendall couldn't find the words to tell Zach that she had been caught tampering with evidence. Kendall was arrested a second time for jumping bail.
September 20 to 24, 2010
Angie and Brot had a heart-to-heart talk about the emotional turmoil Angie's blindness had on her life. Brot offered Angie some insight into what it was like to live with a disability. Angie's outlook vastly improved after her visit with Brot. Greenlee was moved when Ryan admitted, under hypnosis, that he loved Greenlee. Greenlee stopped Ryan's hypnosis session out of fear that he might recall that he had killed David. Ryan remained determined to find out what had happened to David, so he hired Tad to investigate. Greenlee suggested to Jesse that David might have taken his own life. Greenlee showed Jesse a secret drawer where David kept private documents. Jesse found four letters from David. The letters reinforced Greenlee's theory. Jesse learned that the David's letters had been forged. Jesse and Angie saw their baby for the first time on a sonogram. Kendall was released into Ryan's custody, so she and the boys moved into Ryan's penthouse. Randi advised Madison to find someone else, besides Frankie, to lean on. Frankie denied that anything had happened between him and Madison at the party, but Madison insisted that they both knew that wasn't true. Frankie proposed starting a family with Randi, but Randi wanted to wait. Ryan decided to take Greenlee's advice by moving forward. Madison was thrilled when Ryan invited her to go on vacation with him. JR was livid when he realized that Scott had let Caleb invest in their company. Scott assured JR that he could contain Caleb. JR was determined to find a way to outwit Scott. Damon was touched when Tad offered to help him study for his GED.
September 27 to October 1, 2010
Greenlee admitted that she had forged David's letters. However, Greenlee denied that she had killed her husband. Jesse had overwhelming evidence against Greenlee, so he arrested her for David's murder. Greenlee assured Ryan that she had found the bottle of digitalis on the hotel room floor after David had died. Marissa overheard a conversation between JR and Asher that led her to believe that JR had hired Asher to attack Caleb. Marissa announced her intention to divorce JR and sue for primary custody of AJ. JR learned that Asher was Caleb's son. Asher revealed he had received a letter from Palmer advising him to look for his father in Pine Valley. Asher agreed to keep his identity a secret until JR and Asher took down Caleb. Marissa was overjoyed when she learned that she had passed the bar exam. Caleb decided to represent Marissa in the custody hearing. Natalia and Brot went out on a date. Natalia tried to deny that she and Brot were involved, but Brot's kiss proved otherwise. Things didn't go well when Amanda and Jake went on a double date with Annie and Scott. Annie proposed throwing a party to celebrate Scott's success, but Scott wanted to wait until they had their own home. Annie dropped her towel and then invited JR to take a long look. Afterwards, Annie assured JR that it would be the last time that he saw her naked body. Kendall was hurt when Zach failed to meet her in the park. Bianca explained that Zach had been hurt by Kendall's decision to keep him in the dark, so he needed time to calm down. Randi made it clear that she wanted Madison to keep her distance from Frankie. Madison insisted that Frankie was just her friend, but Randi didn't appear to believe her.
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October 4 to 8, 2010
Madison insisted to Liza that she had lied about Greenlee threatening to kill David. Liza didn't believe Madison's claims, so she made it clear that Madison would have to testify. Greenlee decided to tell Ryan about her feelings for him after her legal troubles were behind her and she had been assured that Ryan was not a suspect. Erica and Jackson returned to Pine Valley. Jackson enlisted Krystal's help with Greenlee's defense. Jackson quickly secured Greenlee's release from jail. Greenlee was surprised to learn that Ryan had reached out to Jackson to let him know about Greenlee's legal troubles. Madison apologized to Greenlee. Jackson warned Greenlee that Liza had a strong case against her, so their best line of defense was to implicate another suspect like Ryan. Damon was stunned by Liza's offer to be her file clerk. Damon accepted the job. Annie was furious when JR ruined her party. Anger quickly turned to passion when JR confessed that he had meant to humiliate Scott and that it had killed him to see Annie marry Scott. Scott walked in on Annie and JR in bed together. Scott ended his marriage to Annie and then vowed to take everything that JR felt that entitled to, including JR's son and company. Opal warmly greeted Erica at Fusion. Erica promised Opal that she would team up with Caleb to take back Cortlandt Electronics. Caleb reminded Erica that she had quit, but Erica insisted that she knew the Chandlers better than Caleb did. Erica managed to send Annie into panic mode when Erica warned that she knew that Scott had stolen something from Palmer. JR suggested that he and Annie work together to keep from losing everything.
October 11 to 15, 2010
Angie was reluctant to take an amniocentesis test because she feared that something might be wrong with the baby. Krystal calmed Angie's fears when she talked to Angie about her own experience with the test when she had been pregnant with Jenny. Scott realized that Stuart's fears had been realized because Chandler Enterprises had changed Scott, not the other way around. Scott decided to confess that he had stolen Palmer's nanotechnology. Annie tried to make one last attempt to save her marriage to Scott. Scott admitted that, in some way, Annie had always belonged to JR. Annie paid Scott a visit in jail. Scott made it clear that he intended to divorce Annie. JR was stunned to learn that the court had granted Marissa full custody of AJ until their divorce settlement. Caleb vowed to make JR pay for what Scott had done. JR assured Caleb that he was ready for a fight. Caleb agreed to Erica's terms to work together. Erica tried to turn Asher against JR. Asher made it clear to Erica that there wasn't enough money in the world to tempt him to work for Caleb. Caleb offered Jackson some advice about how to defend Greenlee. Greenlee refused to allow Jackson to create reasonable doubt by pointing the finger of guilt at Ryan; Ryan admitted that it had been his idea, not Jackson's. Liza and Jackson made compelling opening statements in the murder trial. Greenlee realized that Ryan and Jackson didn't intend to honor her wishes, so she confronted Ryan. Ryan kissed Greenlee.
October 18 to 22, 2010
Greenlee was startled when Ryan kissed her. Greenlee wanted to talk about the kiss, but Ryan insisted that it shouldn't have happened. On the witness stand, Kendall was forced to testify that the papers that David had held over Greenlee's head had implicated Greenlee in Erica's plane crash. Erica testified that she didn't believe that Greenlee had tried to kill her. Erica claimed that David and Greenlee had been in love. Madison was outraged that Ryan would risk his freedom to save Greenlee rather than put Emma's needs first. Greenlee wondered what Ryan expected her to think if he were willing to give everything up for her. Liza was admitted to the hospital for exhaustion and dehydration. Liza asked that Frankie and Damon not tell anyone because she feared that it would hurt her career. Angie revealed to Jesse that David had been responsible for her losing her sight. Jesse couldn't believe that his wife's blindness was a result of David's budget cutbacks. Annie decided to get drunk after she realized that she had lost everything. JR rescued Annie from disaster when he dragged her away from ConFusion. JR offered Annie the use of the gatehouse until she could find a place to live. Caleb continued to be a thorn in JR's side. Asher revealed that Caleb had killed his mother. Asher wanted to expose the truth about Caleb when the time was right. Kendall was thrilled that Spike had flourished since they had moved back to Pine Valley. Kendall was delighted when Zach returned home. Zach promised Kendall that he was in Pine Valley for good, but a phone call changed that.
October 25 to 29, 2010
Greenlee admitted that she was wrong to ever think that Ryan had turned his back on her. Ryan overheard Greenlee confess to Jackson that she was in love with Ryan. Liza learned that Nick Pearson had an axe to grind with Ryan because Ryan had gotten Nick fired from a job. Madison was devastated when Ryan testified that he loved Greenlee. Frankie offered Madison a shoulder to cry on. Kendall was upset when Zach announced that he had to leave town for his family's safety. Zach revealed that some of his business partners were unhappy with his decision to sell off the casinos. A mystery person followed Zach and Kendall as they took the boys trick-or-treating. JR invited Annie to stay at the beach cottage while she looked for a place to live. Marissa found Annie and JR in a heated kiss when she took AJ to the beach house to see his father. JR tried to spend some time with AJ on Halloween, but Marissa thought that it was best for JR stay away. JR vowed to get his son back before the custody hearing, so he called Judge Hale. Erica tried to persuade JR to sell Cortlandt Electronics back to Caleb in exchange for Caleb's agreement to back down from the custody fight. JR questioned what Erica stood to gain by helping Caleb. Jack was hurt when Erica admitted that she thought that Greenlee was guilty of killing David. Jack talked to Krystal about his disappointment over Erica's confession. Asher revealed that Caleb had killed Asher's mother on Halloween. Erica found a folder at Wildwind that contained a copy of a news article about a woman who had been killed in a mine explosion in West Virginia on Halloween in 1990. Caleb suspected that JR had planted the article to rattle him. Asher helped AJ slip away from Miranda's party.
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November 1 to 5, 2010
Caleb and Krystal suspected that JR had been responsible for AJ's disappearance during the Halloween party at Wildwind. Asher took AJ to Chandler Enterprises, where they bumped into Colby. Asher revealed to Colby that he was Caleb's son. Caleb managed to find out where JR had hidden AJ. JR confided to Annie that he had arranged for Asher to take AJ. Annie claimed that she had picked up AJ to go trick-or-treating with Emma, but Marissa didn't believe her. Marissa arrived at the mansion with a police escort to fetch AJ. JR produced court documents granting him custody of AJ. Erica received some good news about Cortlandt Electronics, so she went looking for Caleb. Erica discovered a file that contained information that Asher was Caleb's son. Asher took a tumble down a flight of stairs after an argument with Caleb. Asher was rushed to the hospital, where a DNA test confirmed that Caleb was Asher's father. Caleb told Erica about the last time that he had seen his son. Greenlee learned that Madison and Ryan had broken up. Liza confronted Greenlee on the witness stand about the kiss with Ryan in the courthouse hallway. Liza and Jackson made passionate closing statements. Ryan decided to dig a little deeper into Nick Pearson's background. Tad learned that Nick Pearson had been receiving money from David. Zach overheard Kendall and Greenlee talking about the vial of digitalis that Greenlee had found in Ryan's pocket. Amanda was curious why Jake never talked about his ex-wife, Carolyn. Angie and Jesse learned that their baby was perfectly healthy. Jesse accidentally found out the gender of the baby when the doctor dropped the file on the floor.
November 8 to 12, 2010
Jesse learned that Natalia and Brot had gone out on a few dates. Jesse warned Natalia and Brot that there could be consequences if co-workers dated. Natalia and Brot assured Jesse that their relationship would not pose a problem at work. Brot was caught off-guard by Natalia's kiss. In front of reporters, Asher angrily accused Caleb of getting rid of Sonia. Caleb and Erica were stunned when Asher's confrontation with Caleb was aired on television. Caleb didn't have any doubt in his mind that Asher was determined to punish Caleb in any way possible. Erica vowed to stand by Caleb's side, despite public outrage over Asher's accusations and an SEC investigation. Opal welcomed Asher into the family. Asher wondered what kind of man Palmer had been. Opal admitted that Palmer hadn't had a code of ethics, but everything he had done had been out of love for his family. Colby was surprised by Asher's unexpected kiss. Colby made it clear that it couldn't happen again and then she told Damon. Damon was upset that Asher had turned out to be an untrustworthy friend. Colby and Damon reaffirmed their love. Madison tried to move forward after her breakup with Ryan by going out on a date. Ryan suspected that David might have framed him for murder. Ryan was certain that Nick Pearson would have the answers that he needed, so Ryan set out to find him. Greenlee decided to join Ryan on his quest for the truth. Erica offered Ryan and Greenlee the use of her private jet to help locate Nick. Ryan and Greenlee grew closer as they worked together. Kendall asked Zach to help Ryan and Greenlee when they encountered some trouble while on Nick's trail. Zach said goodbye to his family and then headed to the airport. Later, Kendall received a call, but the line went dead.
November 15 to 19, 2010
Asher rejected Caleb's offer to move to Wildwind. Asher chose to live at the Chandler mansion instead. Caleb gave Asher the locket with Sonia's picture in it. Asher was stunned when Caleb revealed that Sonia's death was as much Adam Chandler's fault as it was Caleb's. JR and Annie talked about spending Thanksgiving together. JR admitted that he was grateful for having Annie in his life. Jake had a violent reaction when he met the new doctor in town. Griffin revealed that David Hayward had been his mentor and that Zach had recruited Griffin to help with a project for the Miranda Center. Later, Jake and Griffin had a frank discussion about Griffin's affair with Jake's ex-wife, Carolyn. Zach helped Greenlee and Ryan out of a tight spot and then took them to an island where Nick Pearson was staying. Ryan tracked down Nick, who admitted that David had paid him to slip the empty vial of digitalis in Ryan's coat pocket. Nick refused to testify in court, but Ryan managed to record the entire conversation. Ryan and Greenlee reaffirmed their love. Jackson was filled with regret for not being on hand to help Greenlee when things had reached a crisis point with David. Krystal offered Jack words of encouragement. Erica surprised Jack by insisting that they get married before Thanksgiving. Jack was relieved when Greenlee called to let him know that they had evidence to prove that David had framed Ryan. Greenlee promised to return to Pine Valley as soon as Zach picked them up in his plane. Tragedy struck when Zach's plane exploded in mid-air over the ocean. Ryan tried to swim out to the wreckage to save Zach, but it was too late. Zach had perished in the crash. Ryan and Greenlee returned to Pine Valley with the heartbreaking news. Erica and Ryan went to tell Kendall about Zach's death.
November 22 to 26, 2010
The jury found Greenlee guilty of first-degree murder. The judge sentenced Greenlee to life in prison, but everyone was shocked when David Hayward suddenly appeared in the doorway of the courtroom. David blamed Ryan for the situation that Greenlee was in. According to David, Ryan should have been convicted of murder, not Greenlee. David claimed that he had stepped forward because he loved Greenlee too much to let her go to prison. Marissa was furious when Krystal delivered the news that David had faked his death. Marissa couldn't believe that her father would put her through the loss of another parent. Kendall was initially in denial when Erica and Ryan broke the news to her that Zach had perished in a plane explosion over the ocean. Kendall was forced to face the truth when Bianca showed up to help her sister deal with the tragic loss. Kendall was stunned to learn that David had not died. A grief-stricken Kendall raced to the courthouse to angrily confront David about his role in her husband's death. The judge vacated Greenlee's conviction. Greenlee offered to move in with Kendall, so that Greenlee and Ryan could help Kendall with the boys. Kendall warned Greenlee and Ryan that she would always be reminded of what she had lost whenever she laid eyes on the newly reunited couple. Jesse arrested David. Liza was sickened to realize that David had arranged for the mayor to appoint her as the interim district attorney so she could be unwittingly complicit in his plot. Kendall decided to wait to tell the boys about Zach's death until after the holiday.
November 29 to December 3, 2010
Greenlee raced to Kendall's side after the murder conviction was vacated. Kendall wanted Greenlee to go to the crash site with her, so that Greenlee could walk Kendall through Zach's final hours. Kendall was overcome with emotion as the reality of Zach's death sank in. David managed to escape custody. David was critically wounded after Erica shot him in an attempt to save Ryan's life. Griffin operated on his mentor, but David remained in a coma following the surgery. Madison was shot by a stray bullet during David and Ryan's scuffle. Ryan rushed Madison to the hospital, where she was quickly patched up. Colby tried to ignore her attraction to Asher. Colby insisted that she and Asher were only friends, despite the heated kiss that they had shared. Damon was surprised when Colby's temper flared because Damon didn't spend enough time with her. However, Damon was touched that Colby missed him. Asher landed in some trouble after he was caught speeding. Asher was stunned when Caleb revealed that he had taken care of Asher's legal troubles. JR and Annie went to Washington, DC, on business. Annie was disappointed that JR's custody issues meant that they weren't free to be open about their relationship. JR assured Annie that he wanted her in his life. JR decided that he needed to be the man that Marissa had met in order for Marissa to trust him enough to drop the custody suit.
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December 6 to 10, 2010
Friends and loved ones gathered to say farewell to Zach. Kendall was determined to move forward as a single mother, but she made it clear that she did not want Greenlee to be a part of her future. Greenlee and Ryan's happiness over reconciling was a constant reminder to Kendall of what she had lost with Zach. Reverend Ricky offered Kendall comfort and guidance as she tried to deal with her grief. Madison was stunned to learn that she was pregnant, but she decided to keep the news from Ryan. Annie was not pleased with JR's plan to charm Marissa into dropping the custody suit. JR promised Annie that he wanted to be free to be open about his relationship with Annie. Marissa softened toward JR as he put his plan into motion. Scott reached out to Marissa. Natalia invited Brot to sleep on her couch while his apartment was being repainted. Brot wondered why Natalia continued to push him away. Natalia admitted that she was afraid of losing the man that she loved like Kendall and Rebecca had. Brot promised that he would never hurt Natalia. Cara showed up in Pine Valley. Amanda bumped into Cara, without realizing who Cara was. Amanda realized the truth when she later saw a picture of Cara. Jake was surprised when Cara paid him a visit at the hospital.
December 13 to 17, 2010
Tad made a startling discovery when he looked into Cara's past. Jake was stunned to learn that Griffin was Cara's brother, not her ex-lover. Cara claimed that she had changed her name because her family had objected to her working in a dangerous field. Cara explained that she hadn't been ready for marriage, so she had called her brother for help. Cara had allowed Jake to believe that she'd had an affair with Griffin, so that Jake would accept the end of their marriage. Cara prepared to leave town, but learned that there had been a paperwork mix-up. Cara had to remain in Pine Valley until the problem could be resolved. Angie offered Cara a job at the hospital. Kendall was livid when she discovered that Greenlee had planned a Fusion meeting without consulting her. Kendall showed up at the meeting to confront Greenlee. Greenlee admitted that she didn't want Kendall making decisions while Kendall was grieving for Zach. Kendall decided to throw herself into Zach's pet project for the Miranda Center. Greenlee and Ryan learned that Liza had been appointed as David's patient advocate. Randi was supportive when she learned that Madison was pregnant. Madison tried to tell Ryan about the baby, but lost her courage, so she quit her job at Fusion and then considered leaving town. Greenlee suggested that Madison stop torturing herself by continuing to find excuses to see Ryan. Annie's insecurities over JR's relationship with Marissa mounted. Annie was disappointed when JR gave her a pair of earrings instead of an engagement ring.
December 20 to 24, 2010
Erica and Caleb regained control of Cortlandt Electronics. Liza decided to file attempted murder charges against Erica for shooting David. Greenlee realized that Madison was hiding something, so she slipped into David's room to steal David's access card to the hospital computer. Afterwards, Greenlee opened Madison's patient record and then discovered that Madison was pregnant. Madison decided that it would be best for her to leave town without telling Ryan about the baby. Madison didn't think that she could make the right decision while she continued to bump into Ryan. Randi reminded Greenlee that Madison had been heartbroken over losing Ryan. Greenlee decided to have a talk with Madison about the pregnancy. Madison assured Greenlee that Greenlee had nothing to worry about. Annie resented JR spending time with Marissa. JR reminded Annie that it was all an act to get Marissa to agree to joint custody. JR was speechless when Annie revealed that she was in love with him. Cara tried her best to hide her true feelings for Jake when she started her first day on staff at Pine Valley Hospital. Jake was not pleased that Amanda decided to have lunch with Cara, in an attempt to get to know Jake's ex-wife. Kendall suffered several bouts of dizziness, but she hid it from everyone. Bianca found a box of Christmas presents from Zach hidden in a guest room closet. Kendall wept when she saw a gift labeled, "To My Wife."
December 27 to 31, 2010
Marissa went to see Scott in jail to let him know that they had won. Scott was thrilled that Cortlandt Electronics and the nanotechnology were back in Caleb's hands and that JR had been hit with a major fine. Scott hoped that Marissa could help him to get out of jail. Marissa explained that she had been able to get Scott's parole hearing moved up because Scott had paid restitution. Annie was delighted when she received a box of flowers; however, her joy soon turned to fury when she found out that JR had intended to give the flowers to Marissa. JR explained that they had to be careful until the joint custody papers were signed. JR decided to pay Scott a visit in jail when he discovered that Scott had been in contact with Marissa. Erica told Caleb about Kendall's arrival in Pine Valley, in an effort to give Caleb some hope about building a relationship with Asher. Asher learned that Caleb had made a sizable donation to the hospital in Sonia's name. Madison slipped on some ice and then fell. Greenlee rushed Madison to the hospital when she found Madison unconscious in the snow. Madison was relived to learn that the baby was unharmed. Greenlee offered to help Madison start over in New York City. Father Clarence paid Kendall and Erica a visit to offer them some sage advice. Kendall found it in her heart to forgive Greenlee. Kendall was certain that Zach was guiding her. Amanda decided to pose as Cara to find out what was going on with Cara's paperwork.
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