With every awards show comes the endless parade of "experts" offering their thoughts on who will walk home victorious. Well, add another float to the parade.
In addition to the five "expert" opinions offered by Soap Central staffers, we recruited one non-soap watcher to offer some guesses and even allowed visitors to the Soap Central site to pick the winners in a series of special polls on the Soap Central site.
In terms of predictions, our experts didn't do such a good job this year -- but then again very few "experts" industry-wide were able to pick the winners of this year's ceremony..
Marian Crane and Mary Mosholder earned top honors in our pool, nabbed three correct guesses out of eight categories. Through a series of polls placed on the Soap Opera Central FrontPage, Soap Opera Central visitors picked who they thought would win. Out of eight categories, SOC users correctly guessed one winner.
Surprisingly, none on our panelists correctly predicted the Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Younger Actor or Younger Actress fields.
Following are this year's panelists. Click on a panelist's name to read their picks as well as a mini-biography about them. For your convenience, we've also provide a link to a chart that displays all of our panelists' picks in one easy-to-read screen.